Arc Health Jobs and Company Information

OUR VISION is a world where the most vulnerable communities have access to the best health professionals.

OUR MISSION is to connect the best healthcare clinicians to the underserved, while utilizing an ethos embedded in health equity and social justice. We actively seek physicians and other advanced practice clinicians of multiple specialties to serve rural, underserved, and tribal communities. We prioritize working with dedicated and energetic clinician leaders who embrace our mission and the practice of social medicine.

Our ethos is….
Committing fiercely to reducing health disparities and advancing health equity for the underserved.

Delivering care with compassion and cultural humility.

Serving exclusively rural, tribal, and underserved communities.  
Redmond, Oregon, United States Redmond, Oregon, United States

Company Information

Arc Health clinicians aim to understand the social, historical, environmental, structural, and political forces that impact health. In everyday clinical care, they address the social dimensions of health and illness, or the ‘upstream’ factors like poverty, the environment, education, housing, and the larger healthcare system.

Our clinicians work both in and outside of the clinical setting to advocate for patients and alleviate disparities. As a company, Arc Health pushes itself and our clinicians to engage with issues of social justice and equity in order to increase our understanding of the social determinants of health.

Company History

Our co-founder, Dr. Phuoc Le arrived in the U.S. as a refugee from Vietnam at the age of five. He personally experienced the effects of health inequality, leading him to dedicate his career to serving the most impoverished communities.
In 2014, Dr. Le co-founded the HEAL Initiative at UCSF, a global health delivery fellowship program that supports health care practitioners who make service to the poor their first career choice.

In 2018, he co-founded Arc Health, with the ambition to transform medical staffing into an industry focused on health equity and robust human resources for health in underserved communities.

In 2020, Arc Health announced a strategic combination with Pinnacle Emergency Medical Group and expanded its service offerings to include emergency medicine clinicians. Today, Arc Health and Pinnacle work together to expand the reach of high-quality emergency and primary medical care to rural, tribal, and underserved communities.

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