SecureMD Professionals Colorado, LLC

SecureMD Professionals Colorado, LLC Jobs and Company Information

This is a unique opportunity for GI docs that decided to slow down and still want to do some additional work with no on call responsibilities.
It would fit well with a retired GI doc that still would like to do some work.
It is good pay as well.  
Sterling, Colorado, United States Sterling, Colorado, United States

Company Information

Our company provides mobile GI endoscopy services to state prisons in Colorado and will be adding the federal prisons in Colorado as well. We will also be looking to expand our services to other states both state and federal facilities. We do only GI endoscopy and some general GI consultations onsite.
Two techs go to a facility with the equipment and supplies and the nurse and doctor meet themat the facility medical departments. We then perform 8-12 GI endoscopies ordered by the facility medical staff. We do both upper GI endoscopy and colonoscopies. We schedule in three different regions of the state and generally stay at hotels in the area for the week.
Generally working Tuesday through Thursday and sometimes on Friday.
There is no weekend work or "on call" times. Doc could work a couple of days a month up to ten and maybe 12. Twelve days per month is usually the most days of clinics we have.

Company History

I started this model of GI service in Colorado about twenty years ago in a small town in Northeast Colorado and it grew to provide services to most all of the state prisons. We expanded to California in 2012 but I divested my interest in the CA company in 2019. I am now looking to expand to many federal facilities and other state prison departments.