Liver and Kidney Transplant Surgeon
Job at a glance
Job Description
Liver and Kidney Transplant Surgeon
Hartford Hospital (HH), one of the largest surgical hospitals and tertiary academic centers in New England, is an 867 bed, Level l trauma center located in scenic central Connecticut and the flagship hospital of Hartford HealthCare, the largest integrated health system in the state. The more than 3,000 physicians affiliated with Hartford HealthCare are nationally regarded as being among the most qualified practitioners in their fields. This world class medical staff is supported by physician led, highly responsive and engaged executive leadership.
The Hartford Hospital Transplant Program is searching for an outstanding, highly motivated surgeon to join our liver and kidney transplant team. The program performs adult liver, adult kidney, live donor kidney and pediatric kidney transplantation. We are seeking a transplant surgeon who is passionate about clinical excellence and is capable of making significant contributions to our educational and academic mission.
The selected candidate must have completed an ASTS accredited fellowship and be board eligible/certified by the American Board of Surgery. The ability to independently perform deceased donor liver and kidney transplantation is required. Laparoscopic and/or robotic skills to perform live donor nephrectomy is also required and preference will be given to candidates who satisfy the UNOS requirements for live donor liver surgeon. This is a unique opportunity to be part of a friendly university-affiliated environment in the heart of beautiful New England.
Located just two hours from Boston and New York City, we are in the heart of some of New England’s most stunning communities offering you and your family nationally acclaimed schools, and a variety of housing and recreational options.
Applicants should remit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae to:
Jonathan Nye, Physician Recruiter, at [Register to View] or call [Register to View]
Attn: Glyn Morgan MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS –
Chief of Transplant Surgery, Professor of Surgery, UConn School of Medicine
For more information about Hartford HealthCare please visit