Adult Psychiatrist

Job at a glance

Job Description

Last updated: 2/20/25
Job Duties:
Clinical / Educational (85%) –
Task: Timely provision of psychiatric care to assigned patients.
- The Psychiatrist will provide psychiatric care to the patients assigned to him/her in the outpatient office provided by the facility.
- Participation in psychiatric on call schedule which is 1:5 at present.
- Participation in staff development program as requested by department chair, to educate hospital staff regarding management of psychiatric illnesses.
-Participation in medical grand rounds and psychiatric training of internal medicine residents as requested by department chair.
- Any other reasonable clinical responsibilities assigned by the department chair to ensure efficient and safe functioning of the department.
Administrative (10%) –
Task: Ensure provision of safe and quality care to the patients by participation in development and implementation of policies and procedures.
- Participation in peer review process as requested by department chair.
- Participation in development of department specific policies and procedures as requested by department chair.
- Participation in and implementation of departmental quality control and performance improvement programs as requested by department chair.
- Make recommendations to department chair with respect to the matters affecting patient care including personnel and resources needs of the department.
Promotion of Behavior health program (5%)-
Task: Service promotion.
- Meet with community physicians and other psychiatric care providers to increase community awareness of the Behavioral health program.
- Remain available for public speaking engagement for community education as well as promotion of the Behavioral health program.
If you have interest, please contact FCS at [Register to View] ext. 220 or [Register to View] regarding job# NJ523.

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