General Psychiatrist

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Job Description

Last updated: 2/20/25
Fairfield County, CT - A full-service med/surg hospital near Stamford, CT, and just 30 minutes from New York City, seeks a full-time Board Certified General/Adult Psychiatrist to see adults and some geriatric patients. Also, the physician in this role will provide consults to med/surg units on inpatient floors and psych consults to the general ED department. Bilingual and/or experience with geriatric or adolescent population is a big plus. Must hold or be eligible for Connecticut Medical License. This is a Monday-Friday position with mandatory call participation of one weekend per month. This role is ideal for a Psychiatrist who is fulfilled by a variety of clinical activities over the course of a day.
Southwest Connecticut has many beautiful communities steeped in history. This particular community offers easy access to multiple cultural and recreational opportunities. Regrettably, this hospital does not qualify to support Visa candidates.

For more information please contact Tom Conway at [Register to View] Ext. 231 or Email: [Register to View] regarding Job# CT519.

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