Inpatient Forensic Psychiatrist Locums Job in New York

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Job Description

Last updated: 3/08/25

Inpatient Forensic Psychiatrist Locums Job in New York

Illustrative Duties for Psychiatrists in Forensic Services may include, but are not limited to:
+ Provide lethality assessments, suicide precautions and forensic evaluations when needed;
+ Ordering laboratory tests or diagnostic assessments, including consultation with medical specialty providers;
+ Perform first aid and medical triage, including initial physical examination on new admissions in the event that a physician is not on site;
+ Provide restraint and seclusion;
+ Provide psychiatric services via Video Teleconference.

Jackson and Coker offers:
+ Weekly Direct Deposit
+ Top Rated Malpractice Insurance
+ In-House Travel Agency
+ 24/7 Recruiter Availability
+ Experienced In-House Privileging Coordinators

Experience why Jackson and Coker has been recognized by Forbes and Staffing Industry Analysts for our commitment to service excellence.

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