Outpatient Psychiatry coverage needed in Coastal Alaska!
Job at a glance
Job Description
This is Don Awbrey with Ascend Medical Staffing. I wanted to to let you know about our Psychiatry coverage need in Alaska!
- SE Alaska coast, full time Psychiatry coverage needed starting in Oct/Nov for 3-6 months.
- Outpatient coverage with rotating on call requested.
- 6-10 patients per day.
- Good time allotments – 90-120 minutes for initial evaluations, 30 minute followups.
- Rotating call coverage for Inpatient unit, schedule TBD.
- Alaska offers a temp/locum license.
- EMR system – Meditech.
- Competitive hourly compensation, expenses and Occurrence Form Professional Liability coverage all provided by Ascend Medical!
Would you have any interest? Please email a CV and we can talk in greater detail!
Don Awbrey
National Accounts Manager
Ascend Medical Staffing
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