$3000/24 hours Pediatric Hospitalist in Pennsylvania.
Job at a glance
Job Description
Last updated: 3/18/25
Coverage Need Details:
Williamsport, PA
Pay rate: $3000/24 hours (flat pay, no call-back)
To provide clinical support coverage/service to deliveries, C-sections, round on newborn nursery, Level II NICU, IP Pediatric beds for newborn to 18 years.
Client is looking for 3x 24 hours shifts per month in addition to the one weekend per month.
Estimated Shifts/Month: 6
Privileges Available: Full Privileges;Temp Privileges
EMR / Charting: Cerner and Epic
Types of Calls: 30 min Response
Active Pennsylvania license is REQUIRED.
Providers Typical Day:
Possible 7:30 am C-section. Round with family practice residents on nursery, Level 2 NICU, and *floor patients at 9:30-10:00 am. Approximately 6 Nursery, 2 Level 2 NICU, and 2-3 floor patients per day on average.
*Midnight ADC 9-10.
*Supervise circumcision with residents. Attend all high-risk deliveries including C-sections. Take calls for transfers and see ED consults as needed.
*On call will include responsibility to attend all high-risk deliveries, precept as needed via phone with residents, and come in for any decompensating patients, emergencies, or procedures. While on call, takes triage pages for pediatric patients.
*Providers are not required to see ed consults during the weekend and call overnight. The only patients providers are required to see during this time would be very sick or decompensating patients.
*As for the triage calls for the outpatient office they are atypical for a Hospitalist job and about 5 calls on avg.
*Outpatient calls avg 5-10 and would be on the slightly high side but a fair range in case it
does occur.
*Trauma Level: III
*Procedures: Circumcisions
*Other Specialties Onsite: ENT will consult for some pediatric cases. Ortho trauma and Acute Care Surgery will admit some children based on comfort level. May ask pediatrics to admit due to trauma regulations.
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