Gastroenterology Opening in Duluth, MN

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Job Description

Last updated: 3/18/25
Advanced Gastroenterology opening in Duluth, MN - Visa Eligible Located in Duluth, MN Full-time, permanent position Employed opportunity 1:3 Call H1B Visa Sponsored Our current group of eleven physicians includes nine general and two advanced endoscopy Gastroenterologists working in a 100% consultative practice Currently offered procedures include ERCP, SpyGlass Cholangioscopy, EUS (diagnostic and therapeutic), RFA, cryotherapy, EMR and enteral stenting Latest model Olympus endoscopes, EUS processors, and Omega fixed table fluoroscopy unit State-of-the-art Digestive Health Center performing a full spectrum of endoscopy procedures New hospital under construction with projected opening July 2023 All GI hospital admissions are managed by IM hospitalist service University of Minnesota medical school affiliation Teaching, research and outreach opportunities available Compensation is guaranteed base salary with incentive for production for the duration of employment, not an RVU based model, no buy-ins Flexible on FTE Excellent school districts, ability to live in an urban or rural environment and be minutes from work REQUIREMENTS BC/BE in Gastroenterology required Advanced GI Fellowship required Expertise in bariatric endoscopy and/or ESD are preferred LOCATION - Duluth, MN located at the westernmost tip of Lake Superior and offering an abundance of recreational activities including boating, biking, skiing, hiking, and trail running - 120 miles north of Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area - Regional service area: 460,000 - Duluth population: 86,000
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