Need NP/PA - ED Hospitalist in Iowa - $90/hr
Carrollton, Texas, United States
Job Summary
Physician Assistant
– $85.00
• hourly
Degree Required
Position Type
Work Environment
Iowa, Iowa, United States
Visa Sponsorship
Experience Level
1 year
Job Description
Last Update:
- This physician or APP would cover both the ER and the Hospital. We have 24, 48 and 72 hour shifts that we cover. We generally look for a Family Med Physician.
- Dates of Coverage: Unknown, this is PRN coverage and would cover us in the event of vacations or sickness.
- Percent of Total Hospital Admissions Received from ED: 10
- Percent of ED Patients Admitted to the Hospital per Day:2
- Percent of ED Patients Transferred per Day: Varies
- Trauma Level/Designation: IV
- Total Number of Beds: 25
- Annual ER Volume: 2400
- Number of ED Physicians in Group: 2
- Fast track in ED: No
- Documentation System/EMR: EPIC
- ED Staff Respond to House Codes: Yes -- If Yes, are House Codes Secondary to ED Emergencies: Not Necessarily. We have a code team and they respond depending on level of seriousness.
- Writing Admission Orders: This physician would cover both the ED and Hospital.
- Deliveries Received in ED or Sent Directly to Labor & Delivery: We do not have Labor & Delivery. We do deliver babies in emergency situations.
- ED is Responsible for Monitoring/Supervising Paramedics/Ambulance by Radio: Yes
- Describe Referral / Transfer Protocol: Hospitalist or team member contacts the referral facility (no specific facility). We have 3 facilities that we use regularly.
- Ambulance Response Time & Travel Referral Facility: Depends on where they are going. EMS is in house.
- Air Ambulance Response Time & Travel Time to Referral Center: 30 to 40 minutes
- 24 Hour Availability for Radiology: Yes
- 4 Hour Availability for Laboratory: Yes
- Blood Bank - Certified by AABB: Yes
- Pathology: Non in house
- 4 Hour Availability for the OR: No
- 24 Hour Availability for Anesthesia: No
- Surgical Services: General during the Day
- Description of Consultants: We have Avele for ER and MA Virtual Hospitalists that assist
- Who does EKG Interpretations: Providers do and we have Avele
- Estimated Credentialing Timeframe: 60 Days
Active IA license or IMLC must be in hand at time of submission - REQUIRED
Hospitalist Coverage - REQUIRED
Provider must be Local (within driving distance to the facility) - REQUIRED
Working Hours