Job at a glance
Job Description
Last updated: 3/21/25
Location: A community in central Michigan. It's a charming village with a rich history and a close-knit atmosphere. 50 miles outside of Grand Rapids!
Facility: A healthcare facility that serves the surrounding communities by offering a range of medical services.
Facility: A healthcare facility that serves the surrounding communities by offering a range of medical services.
- Looking for a CRNA for Mon-Fri coverage with call after hours and weekends.
- Practice Setting: Hospital Based
- Call Schedule: 3:30 pm-7am M-F and 24 hours on weekends and holidays
- Call Ratio: 1 out of 3 CRNA's
- Documentation System/EMR: EPIC
- Will CRNA be Supervised or Work Independently: Work Independently with administrative oversight
- Average Number of Surgical Cases Per Day: 10 per day
- Trauma Level/Designation: Level IV
- Annual ER Volume: 9,800 a year
- Description of OR Staff: RNs, Scrub Techs, CSS, CRNAs
- Number of Operating Rooms: 3 ORs and 2 procedure rooms
- Patient Age Demographic: Pediatric-rare, Adult and Geriatric frequent/always
- Procedures Required:
- General Surgical Cases adult & peds
- Minor Nerve Blocks
- IV Regional anesthesia
- Plexus anesthesia
- Spinal Anesthesia
- Regional Anesthesia
- Ventilation Management (Vent management only until transferred to higher level of care)
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