Cherokee Nation Businesses

Cherokee Nation Businesses

We have a team of 3,600+ employees with the technical skills and drive focused on building next-gen technologies, solving complex challenges and serving our clients around the globe. Our regional offices are located in Arlington, VA, Atlanta, GA, Denver, CO, Huntsville, AL, San Antonio, TX, and Tulsa, OK (HQ).  
Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

Company Information

All Cherokee Federal businesses are wholly owned by the Cherokee Nation, the largest Native American tribe in the U.S. with more than 400,000 tribal citizens. Cherokee Nation and its businesses employ more than 11,600 people and has an annual economic impact of $2.16 billion in northeast Oklahoma. Sixty-three percent of profits are invested in Cherokee businesses for creating jobs in high growth, high potential industries, training and educating Cherokee citizens to fill jobs and promote self-sufficiency. Thirty-seven percent is invested in Cherokee programs and services including education, housing and health. Cherokee people share the vision to achieve and maintain an enriching, cultural identity, economic self-reliance and a strong tribal government.