Baumer Medical Inc. Jobs and Company Information

Danvers, Massachusetts, United States Danvers, Massachusetts, United States

Company Information

MassTex Imaging
Looking for doctors to work in the New England Area.

Professional Imaging
Looking for doctors to work in the areas of Corpus Cristi, San Antonio, Dallas, and Islam.

Midwest Dysphagia Consultants
Looking for doctors to work in Ohio (Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus), Kentucky (Louisville) and Indiana (Indianapolis, Muncie, Bloomington, Anderson, Avon, and Merville)

Company History

We are a leading provider of Mobile Dysphagia Consultations. Our services include, a Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBSS), Esophageal Assessment to the Stomach, and a Physician Consult.

We understand the necessity of providing a high quality Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) with an Assessment of food going through the Esophagus to the Stomach to give a comprehensive Dysphagia Consultation in order to determine safe swallow strategies, appropriate diet level and medical management that may be required for the patient. 

We pride ourselves on providing immediate, valuable results. An 8-12 page detailed, typed report from the Physician and Speech Pathologist, along with a copy of the DVD are both available immediately after the consultation for the treating clinician and the ordering physician. Patient and the treating clinicians can obtain access to the patient portal to view the reports securely online.

Why Mobile?
Being a Mobile Medical Practice we provide you with timely appointments, we take away the hassle of transportation and go wherever the patient is: at home, in a skilled nursing / rehabilitation facility, rehabilitation hospital, assisted living facility, independent living facility, day-hab, group home and adult day health center. 

All our Mobile Clinics are handicap accessible, fully equipped with state-of-the-art digital x-ray equipment, a licensed Physician, licensed Speech Pathologist and the transport driver/technician.

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