Dr. Donald R. Frisby MD Jobs and Company Information

This is an exciting and once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from Dr. Frisby and his unique alchemy in healing hair loss and a number of skin disorders that affect people of color. Currently, we are in the process of expanding and adding a dynamic range of both surgical and non surgical procedures using the latest and greatest tech. Of course, the foundation and success of this practice is based on the over 40 years of success in healing and treating hair and skin disorders for people of colo and you will have the opportunity to learn these approaches. Additionally, this is optimally a long term hire as I want my father's patient base to have a consistent face, as initially they will be very sadfene by my fathers retirement. IDr. Frisby's reputation is sterling as he is very well known through the DMV area.. Now, it is time to take the medicalmpractice to a new level! But, I need a Captian to guide the ship on this amazing adventure! Are you the one?  
Fort Washington, Maryland, United States Fort Washington, Maryland, United States

Company Information

Dr. Donald Frisby is a renowned dermatologist; bringing revolutionary and exemplary haircare/skincare to his patients for over 40 years while providing the smartest and most effective dermatological solutions to people of color. Hair is important to almost everyone, especially women and that's why hair damage and/or hair loss can become a very traumatic experience. Sometimes hair loss is due to natural occurrences like hormones or heredity. Oftentimes, however, it is the direct result of things we do to our own hair, like too much chemical processing (i.e., relaxers) and hair styles (i.e., tight braids, weaves, hair extensions, corn rows). Ask yourself these questions... Is your hair lacking the shine and moisture you would like? Have years of perms and harsh hair products left you with dry and damaged hair? Dr. Donald Frisby and his over 40 years of proven hair and skincare experience is here to help you find the right products and treatment for your hair. Even if you don't suffer from hair damage or hair loss, Dr. Frisby's haircare products will make your scalp healthier and happier. Dr. Frisby has a deep affinity and love for “people of color” and this powerful emotion has provided him with a unique and beautiful approach that is unparalleled. With over 40 years of proven success, his specialized non-surgical methodologies have stood the test of time and are truly revolutionary…no matter the time or space.

Company History

Dr. Donald R. Frisby is a licensed Dermatologist who has been serving the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area since 1976. After graduating from Howard University Medical School, he went on to complete his residency in Pediatrics and Dermatology.

Dr. Frisby is an expert in treating diseases and conditions of the hair and scalp. He has developed products specifically designed to treat these problems as experienced by anyone, but especially as experienced by African American women. 

For the past 40 years, my dad has developed treatments and products that have provided thousands of patients with the hair care they need.  Almost the the entire cache of his patients require treatment for some type of hair damage or a hair loss condition (most notably alopecia) and throughout his long tenure in this niche Dr. Frisby has treated virtually every negative hair condition or problem imaginable. Through this extensive experience, he has developed a line of products and treatments that will effectively treat alopecia and most misunderstood hair and/or scalp ailments

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