
InnovAge Jobs and Company Information

InnovAge’s ability to help older adults live life on their terms through the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) couldn’t be accomplished without the committed efforts of our employees, the community, and of course, the seniors we serve.  
Denver, Colorado, United States Denver, Colorado, United States

Company Information



Innovage PACE, a program of all-inclusive care of the elderly, is a fully capitated, fully at risk, value based program funded by state Medicaid funds (straight per member per month based on state legislature) and federal Medicare funding (based on RAF scoring from hierarchical chronic condition ICD-10 scores. To qualify, a participant has to be 55 years of age or older, and meet the local/state frailty requirements for nursing home admission. Because we are value based, we can surround the participant with services not usually found or easily available in the fee for service world, and thus help frail elders age safely in the community. PACE provides adult day center socialization and meals, therapies (OT, PT, Recreation, Speech), social work, transportation, mental health, pharmacy, primary care and palliative care, to name just a few of the services. The PACE model is predicated on the interdisciplinary team, which makes medical as well as functional decision with the participant.

Our Primary Care Physician positions are ambulatory, full time Monday thru Friday with home based call that is shared. There are 5-10 face to face visits per day, some medically based, some regulatory based (we have to see participants every 6 months for an assessment and care plan). There are family meetings, care planning meetings, review of potential enrollees, some nursing home work (while all of our participants qualify for nursing home care, only about 11% at any one time reside in a skilled nursing facility) involved.

Company History

Headquartered in Denver, Colo., InnovAge offers PACE in Colorado, California, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Our approximately 2,000 employees serve nearly 6,000 seniors. In Colorado, we also offer home care services for seniors, and own two affordable senior housing communities in the Denver metro area.The mission of InnovAge is to allow seniors to live life on their terms – by aging in place, in their own homes and communities, for as long as safely possible. The primary way we do this is through PACE. InnovAge is committed to expanding PACE to serve more seniors in more communities.

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