Medicorp, Inc. dba Physician Empire

Medicorp, Inc. dba Physician Empire Jobs and Company Information

Our recruiters have over 100 years of combined experience in permanent placement physician and medical recruiting. We cover all physician specialties as well as dentists, advanced practice providers, LCSW's and CRNA's. We currently have over 2000 clients nationwide in all 50 states.  
O Fallon, Missouri, United States O Fallon, Missouri, United States

Company Information

Since our founding in 1991, Medicorp Inc. has accumulated an unparalleled level of expertise and experience in the field of physician, dental and APP recruitment, which we amplify with state-of-the-art resources to provide the most efficient and effective service. We go beyond simply making placements, instead working diligently to create lasting relationships with our clients and candidates so we can better understand the needs of both sides.

Our ability to function as an impartial third party has proven to be an asset. We take seriously our obligation to make every effort to ensure the match be a good one for both parties. Frequently we can provide a different point of view or suggest a resolution that facilitates a successful contract negotiation. At Medicorp, we facilitate the entire process, serving both as contact points as well the channel of communication for our clients and candidates. We have built a strong reputation on the value of our recommendations by providing results marked by integrity and commitment.

We believe that by providing a service of unsurpassed quality, by holding to the highest ethical standards, and by bringing the right people together, we will continue to add to our list of satisfied clients and friends.

Company History

Founded in 1991, we have been in the medical recruiting business for over 30 years and our placement consultants have over 100 years of total experience in the industry.

Company Contact