WhiteCap Search

WhiteCap Search Jobs and Company Information

We know that each job search is unique, so we meet with both job seekers and company representatives (HR and hiring managers) in person to get to know them and better understand their objectives. This enables us to match job seekers with positions that are aligned with their career goals while providing companies with applicants who have the skills needed to be successful on their teams.  
New York, New York, United States New York, New York, United States

Company Information

At WhiteCap Search, we are breaking away from the traditional approach of agency recruiting to enhance the experience of the job search process. From companies looking to hire top talent, to job seekers looking for the best next step in their career, WhiteCap Search is focused on finding the optimal fit for all parties involved. Founded by a diverse team of recruiting experts, we have developed a strong foundational knowledge of each industry for which we recruit. We believe in combining best in class technology with rigid ethical standards to create a positive and tailored approach for each employer and job seeker.

Company History

WhiteCap’s founding partners have nearly 30 years of combined recruitment experience across diverse lines of business. Over that time, we have developed long-term relationships that help us enhance the experience of job seekers and companies looking to hire new employees through a very personalized approach. We place the utmost value on these relationships and are committed to being long-term partners.

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