TeedCo. Healthcare Recruiting

TeedCo. Healthcare Recruiting Jobs and Company Information

At TeedCo. you are not just a number. We thrive on the personal relationship and your happiness with the role. All our services are FREE to you and all searches are strictly confidential. Our consultants are grouped into specific specialties and have a comprehensive understanding of what is going on in the industry including compensation trends, current procedures, hot markets and other aspects of today’s healthcare climate that may impact your career. Call us today so that we can find your perfect fit!  
Norwalk, Connecticut, United States Norwalk, Connecticut, United States

Company Information

We are an independent recruitment and placement firm offering top-notch positions for medical professionals in both academic and community settings nationwide. We pride ourselves on the close-knit relationships we have formed with our candidates, which is a direct result of the personal attention we provide. We work diligently to match the best candidates with the right practice opportunity. Whether you are a resident, practicing physician, advanced practice provider or healthcare executive it is important to identify your perfect opportunity both personally and professionally, represent yourself in the best light possible during the interview process and to do everything you can to thrive and succeed in your career. TeedCo. Healthcare Recruiting will help you to succeed and find your perfect fit.

Company History

TeedCo.’s over 30 year’s leadership experience is built on a long history of successes and partnerships, which reflects relationships fostered from residency through staff level to directorships and chair leadership positions.

Company Contact

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