LD Staffing

LD Staffing

LD Staffing

LD Staffing is privately held and our management team has decades of experience in the medical staffing industry. We founded LD Staffing to offer large staffing firm capabilities while providing employees and clients concierge level service and support without the obligation to answer to public shareholders, financiers or a remote corporate office. We dedicate our focus to employees and clients. We are a people business at the end of the day and our culture, service and support reflect these core beliefs.  
Sugar Land, Texas, United States Sugar Land, Texas, United States

Company Information

LD Staffing is a full-service staffing agency connecting medical professionals with Locum, per diem and temporary contract job opportunities with clients. We create value for our employees and clients by pairing large firm capabilities and processes with small firm decision-making and a strong service-focused culture.

Company History

LD Staffing was founded in 2022 in Sugar Land, Texas. We service clients in Texas and more than 20 other states.

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